Professional Organizing Course

Self-Paced Home Study Course

Connected & Continuous Online Learning

Personalized Mentoring & Tutoring

Each student is assigned a tutor to ensure they have personalized mentoring every step of the way. 

Whether it is a quick question or you would like to discuss the course material, you are able to reach out at any time. 

We are here to provide you with the right information to help you move forward to achieve great success!

With students from all over the world, our goal is to make everyone feel at home while getting their education at Ultimate Academy®. 

Same Day Marking, Review & Feedback

Utilizing the student portal will be your central resource. 

Quizzes & Assignments are marked in a timely manner and returned to you with ample feedback.

With our student-focused team, we are able to review and respond to your submissions typically within the same day. 

This allows our students the comfort of knowing that their hard work and dedication is our first priority!


Student Support Hotline

Communicate with us your way; whether you would like to email, text, or call us. We guarantee a fast response!

This service is available not only during your course, but afterwards as well, whether you have a quick question or would like us to review a quote. 

We offer continuous personalized mentoring to help you feel connected and engaged.

From our Founders Eileen and Greg Taylor, to our Ultimate Academy® team, we are here to serve you.

No Preset Schedule –
Work At Your Own Pace

Work at the pace of YOUR lifestyle!

At Ultimate Academy®, you decide the timeline that you finish the course.

You can work through the material as quickly or slowly as you wish – whatever suits your lifestyle. 

We want you to be comfortable learning the material whether you wish to fast track and complete it in a few weeks or whether you wish to take six months or more.

Connected & Continuous Online Learning

Personalized Mentoring & Tutoring

Each student is assigned a tutor to ensure they have personalized mentoring every step of the way. 

Whether it is a quick question or you would like to discuss the course material, you are able to reach out at any time. 

We are here to provide you with the right information to help you move forward to achieve great success!

With students from all over the world, our goal is to make everyone feel at home while getting their education at Ultimate Academy®. 

Same Day Marking, Review & Feedback

Utilizing the student portal will be your central resource. 

Quizzes & Assignments are marked in a timely manner and returned to you with ample feedback.

With our student-focused team, we are able to review and respond to your submissions typically within the same day. 

This allows our students the comfort of knowing that their hard work and dedication is our first priority!


Student Support Hotline

Communicate with us your way; whether you would like to email, text, or call us. We guarantee a fast response!

This service is available not only during your course, but afterwards as well, whether you have a quick question or would like us to review a quote. 

We offer continuous personalized mentoring to help you feel connected and engaged.

From our Founders Eileen and Greg Taylor, to our Ultimate Academy® team, we are here to serve you.

No Preset Schedule –
Work At Your Own Pace

Work at the pace of YOUR lifestyle!

At Ultimate Academy®, you decide the timeline that you finish the course.

You can work through the material as quickly or slowly as you wish – whatever suits your lifestyle. 

We want you to be comfortable learning the material whether you wish to fast track and complete it in a few weeks or whether you wish to take six months or more.

Self-Paced Home Study

Our Self-Paced Home Study Certification course is a fantastic option if you are unable to attend our Live Virtual Class. 

You decide the timeline that you complete the course, which is a huge benefit of this independent study option.

You will go through the course content at your own pace and send in your quizzes and assignments as you complete them. They will be marked quickly and returned to you with ample feedback.

This allows our students the comfort of knowing their hard work and dedication is our first priority!

At Ultimate Academy®, we remove the distance from distance learning. We offer continuous personalized mentoring to ensure you feel connected and engaged.

Our Founders Eileen & Greg Taylor and our Manager of Student Services, Tutoring & Administration, Jill Taylor and her team, are here to serve you. We are just a call, click, or text away.

We will be with you throughout your entire educational journey. 

Audio & Visual Summaries

Receive audio and visual summaries of each chapter with the purchase of your Professional Organizing Home Study course. 

These summaries are designed to review and reinforce vital course concepts, in a brief and engaging way. 

Use these summaries as an easy tool to keep you inspired and knowledgeable about Professional Organizing. 

Listen and watch as many times as you like – anywhere that you want! You can even use your tablet or phone to listen and watch on the go. 

Two Options for Manuals

Hard Copy Manuals

With our Hard-Copy Manual option, the manuals will be shipped via FedEx right to your door to utilize during your course.

Our 885-page, full-colour multi-volume manual set and business workbook will be your key resources both during and after the course.

These manuals are extremely detailed and visual with ample photos and examples, so feel free to make notes and highlight key sections for your ongoing reference.

These manuals are for your reference, both during and after the course.

Online Manuals

The Online Manual is exactly the same 800-page Full-Colour Multi Volume Manual and Workbook as the hard-copy version.

Upon ordering, you can access your online materials in as little as 30 minutes, via our Online Student Portal.

This option is eco-friendly and user-friendly, as you can access these manuals through a computer, laptop and smartphone.

Two Options for Manuals

Hard Copy Manuals

With our Hard-Copy Manual option, the manuals will be shipped via FedEx right to your door to utilize during your course.

Our 885-page, full-colour multi-volume manual set and business workbook will be your key resources both during and after the course.

These manuals are extremely detailed and visual with ample photos and examples, so feel free to make notes and highlight key sections for your ongoing reference.

These manuals are for your reference, both during and after the course.

Online Manuals

The Online Manual is exactly the same 885-page Full-Colour Multi Volume Manual and Workbook as the hard-copy version.

Upon ordering, you can access your online materials in as little as 30 minutes, via our Online Student Portal.

This option is eco-friendly and user-friendly, as you can access these manuals through a computer, laptop and smartphone.

UCPO™ Course Curriculum

Tap for details

Introduction, Working With Clients & Methodology

Manual 1


Discover the Organizing industry, the reasons for its explosive growth and popularity.

Working With Clients
Emphasis will be placed on understanding a client’s mindset; how it relates to clutter, and how we can help them as Professional Organizers.

Learn our effective techniques, as well as our unique approach to Professional Organizing.

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Consultations, Pricing Your Services & Grading System

Manual 2


Discover how to successfully plan and execute an Organizing Consultation, using our exclusive 26-page Consultation Report.

Pricing Your Services
Learn how to price any type of project, from organizing a linen closet or pantry to coordinating and decluttering an entire home.

Grading System
Use our System to estimate your time and resources required in planning and executing a project.

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The Ultimate Professional Organizer™ System, Inventory & Room-By-Room Organizing

Manual 3

The Ultimate Professional Organizer™ System

Explore the organizing method implemented by all Ultimate Academy ® Graduates.

Learn how to handpick the ideal inventory and utilize it to create customized organizational systems for your clients.

Room-By-Room Organizing
Master the concept of room-by-room organization, including the required forms, reports, and checklists.

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Mastering Room-By-Room Organizing For All Types Of Properties & Decluttering

Manual 4

Mastering Room-By-Room Organizing

Explore innovative decluttering methods including advanced topics pertaining to clients’ living habits.

All Types Of Properties
Develop the expertise to organize all types of properties, from residential to commercial spaces.

Develop the expertise to manage any decluttering project, including the removal, disposal, recycle and donation of items in the home.

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Downsizing Services, Rightsizing & Moving Services

Manual 5

Downsizing Services

Learn how to determine the scope of projects and how to create customized downsizing packages , ranging in size for clients.

Explore the concepts of downsizing, rightsizing, and senior’s transitions, including key principles and challenges.

Moving Services
Learn how to execute all types of moving services including, pre-move preparation, estate clearing, moving day, and more.

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The Business Of Professional Organizing, Creating A Marketing Message & Developing Relationships

Manual 6

The Business Of Organizing

Learn everything you need to know including; business techniques and fundamentals, establishing your brand, and pricing.

Creating A Marketing Message
Learn how to create a message that will build your confidence by accentuating your strengths, abilities, and value.

Developing Relationships
Explore follow-up techniques and options for developing and maintaining client relationships.

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Quizzes, Assignments, Forms, Templates & Our Exclusive Vendor List

Manual 7

Quizzes And Assignments

Included in this manual are the Quizzes and Assignments you will complete during the course.

Forms And Templates
Access customizable forms, templates and reports that you will use throughout the course and while running your own Professional Organizing business.

Vendor List
A 15-page Vendor List is included to provide you with an inside track on wholesalers, suppliers and vendors within the industry.

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UCPO™ Course Curriculum

NAPO National Association Of Professional Organizers

Professional Business Training

Ultimate Business System

Our tried, tested and proven Ultimate Business System will be your blueprint to success.

Our Turnkey Business Package covers all aspects of setting up and running your business on a day-to-day basis.

We provide our Post-Course Step-by-Step Action Plan. This will be your checklist to success, detailing exactly what to do and will take you from graduate to being in business in record time. 

Marketing & Branding

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business and branding is everything. Imagine creating your own brand! We will help you create your brand, select a business name, even register your new business. 

You will learn how to create a marketing message to showcase your company and your unique offering to make others aware of your business and boost your confidence. 

You will be able to promote yourself, your business, services and so much more.

Connecting With Clients

Building rapport is the key to having a growing list of satisfied clients and a successful business. 

You will learn strategies on how to make your case and motivate your clients to invest in your services. 

You master effective communication, answering questions, and tailoring your services to suit your client's needs. 

Pricing & Payment

You will learn how to offer a wide variety of organizing packages. Using our unique pricing system, you will learn how to price your packages to appeal to both budget-conscious and top-tier clients.

You will learn the procedure of how to close a sale, and how to proceed with payment utilizing the latest payment systems, enabling you to get paid right away.

Establishing Repeat Business

Repeat business is a gift and a good business model is one that encourages repeat business. Many clients have ongoing organizing needs whether it be organizing additional rooms in their home, business, lifestyle, or digital needs. 

We will show you how to create a model that encourages repeat business through ongoing communication, upgrading packages, and implementing maintenance plans, enabling you to ensure that your clients stay on track with their goals. 

Referrals & Leads Program

Referrals are incredibly important in business.

During this course, you will develop a Follow-Up Campaign to obtain referrals, stay in touch with clients and win over new ones. 

Upon graduating from Ultimate Academy®, you will be entered into our "Need A Professional Organizer Program." Being in this program, you will receive business leads in your area. 

Professional Business Training

Ultimate Business System

Our proven Ultimate Business System will be your blueprint to success.

Our Turnkey Business Package covers all aspects of setting up and running a new business.

Our post-course Step-by-Step Action Plan will be your checklist to success.

Marketing & Branding

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business.

We will help you create your brand, select a business name and register your new business. 

You will learn how to create a marketing message to make others aware of your business and boost your confidence. 

Connecting With Clients

Building rapport is the key to having satisfied clients and a successful business. 

You will learn strategies on how to motivate your clients to invest in your services. 

You will master effective communication and tailoring your services to suit your client's needs.

Pricing & Payment

You will learn how to offer a wide variety of organizing packages.

You will learn how to price your packages to appeal to both budget-conscious and top-tier clients.

You will learn the procedure when you close a sale, and how to proceed using the latest payment systems.

Establishing Repeat Business

Repeat business is a gift and a good business model is one that encourages repeat business.

We will show you how to establish repeat business through ongoing communication.

We will show you how to create maintenance plans that will enable your clients to stay on track with their goals. 

Referrals & Leads Program

Referrals are incredibly important in business.

You will develop a Follow-Up Campaign to obtain referrals, stay in touch with clients and win over new ones. 

Upon graduating , you will be entered into our "Need A Professional Organizer Program."

Continuous Guidance & Support

Free Business Support Plan

Imagine having access to your own personal business guru. Strong guidance and support have proven to be effective for many entrepreneurs. Our Free Business Support Plan is designed to have you consulting and performing transformations, and doing what you love right away.

We are committed to helping you establish, market and grow your Professional Organizing business and helping you achieve your dreams.  Our Business Support Plan is led by our Co-Founder & Business Coach, Greg Taylor. 

Unlimited Multi-Level Support Plan

All our programs include a Free Multi-Level Support Plan, providing you with all the information and support you need to succeed. Our plan never expires. Our team at Ultimate Academy® provides instant Support and Mentoring Services.

Ultimate Support Hotline

You can contact our team directly through our Ultimate Support Hotline. You will have access to our team of experts whenever you need advice. Our services are available to you in whichever way you prefer, from email, to phone or text messages.

professional organizer classes
professional organizer classes

Course Reviews

"I completed the Professional organizing and Ultimate Staging course at Ultimate Academy’s using the self-paced home study course. I found Ultimate Academy extremely knowledgeable and I learned more than I would have expected. The team at Ultimate Academy were reliable and they were always quick at responding back when I reached out. The team at Ultimate Academy’s provided great feedback to all of my questions and provided additional support when needed which helped to direct me in the right information for the projects and quiz's. I definitely would recommend Ultimate Academy's self-paced study if the virtual classes are not an option for you as they really helped me."
Melissa B., USC™, UCpo™
Certified UltimateStager™ & Professional Organizer™
“I've just completed the at home, self-paced, Professional Organization Course. This was a sophisticated and streamlined program, with clear guidelines and expectations. The response to my questions, or marking of my assignments came within hours of contacting, with encouraging and informative feedback. The manual and subsequent contact lists and Ultimate Academy forms, left me feeling prepared to not only implement the organizing system I have learned, but also set up and run my small business. I highly recommend the Ultimate Academy.”
Certified Ultimate Professional Organizer™
"I found the home study for professional organization to be very informative. I like that they address the ins and outs of running a business and include the forms you will need when you are working with clients. Having continued support from The Ultimate Academy in the beginning stages of building my business is also very valuable."
Certified Ultimate Professional Organizer™

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

professional organizer

Graduates may take unlimited class retakes or home study retakes of their course, free of charge for 3 years! Why do we offer this? We offer Free Unlimited retakes of the Ultimate Academy® Professional Organizing Course to give you peace of mind.

Should you feel that given the vast amount of information covered in the course, that you would benefit from attending the course again, you are welcome to do so.

Join our over 5500 Graduates Who Have Turned Their Passion Into Their Career! Plus This Week Save Up To $1450.00 & Get Your 2nd Course For Free!


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