How To Incorporate The 3 Principles Of Feng Shui In Your Space

Spa still life buddha statue and river rock, bamboo in vase, and candles, and home river rock in Japanese characters

The three main principles of Feng Shui are Chi, Yin and Yang,
and The Five Elements. These principles are essential to understand,
as they work together to create harmonious, welcoming spaces. Using
these principles to structure your home and office, as they will bring
wellness and represent the essential elements of Feng Shui.

#1: Chi
Chi is the Feng Shui energy in and around us. Chi is in constant motion,
and can be both good or bad. It can move in all different directions,
be strong or weak, and flow through objects, buildings, and people. It is
essential to encourage good Chi in our environments to ensure positivity
and prosperity. Chi is created through the proper arrangement of elements
in the room to allow for maximum energy flow.

#2: Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang are two primary forces of Chi and are essential to creating
a healthy balance. Yin and Yang are rooted in one another and when
they are balanced, harmony and success occur-which is absolutely desirable.
Yin and Yang cannot exist without one another and are eternally
interconnected. It is simple to incorporate this principle into a space,
as long as elements within the room are balanced.

#3: The Five Elements
These Five Elements influence Yin and Yang and each element represents
a different Chi. Everything that exists on earth falls into a combination of
the five elements. These five elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood.
Many ways to incorporate these elements into a space is with artwork,
decor, furniture, paint, etc.

There you have it! The 3 principles of Feng Shui that encourage
wellness and success in our lives. Try these principles out the next time
you are re-decorating your space.

Jill Taylor, USC™, UFSC™, UCPO™, UDRC™
Certified UltimateStager™ | Feng Shui Specialist™  
Ultimate Professional Organizer™ | Ultimate Decorator & ReDesigner™
Manager of Student Experience & Tutoring

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Ways To Learn Feng Shui

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